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How Daily High Club founder Harrison Baum revolutionized the weed business

“I feel like the evolution of me doing comedy comes out in a lot of our content,” says Harrison Baum, CEO and Founder of Daily High Club.

Daily High Club is a smoking subscription box service. From glassware to bongs and rolling papers to munchies, Daily High Club offers everything for weed lovers, all without hurting your pockets.

DHC is a convivial and collaborative cannabis company, designed to provide laughter and enjoyment for consumers beyond the THC and CBD in cannabis. Baum’s past as a comedian is readily apparent in Daily High Club’s products and is a hallmark for why Baum, just 29, and his company, have been so successful.

I spoke with Baum about his past and the future of Daily High Club.

Courtesy of Daily High Club

KH:Can you tell me a bit about your love for cannabis and where it all started?

HB: My roommate in college was a straight-A student in three different majors and was a professional athlete. And he became a good friend of mine and I saw how cannabis really helped his anxiety. So I started using it too, and I’ve used it pretty much every day of my life since then.

KH: I read that you are also a comedian? Can you touch on that and how, if it all, it influences your approach to business and the cannabis space?

HB: Yeah, in college I was one of TBS’ Top 15 College comedians. And I don’t quite know why it was my passion. But I feel like the evolution of me doing comedy comes out in a lot of our content.

For example, we made a viral video a couple of years back, and it was really, really funny. And it did extremely well. And I like to think that the video I wrote was the evolution of comedy and that we’re bringing those skills to be able to market something.


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What key won’t open any door? 😏

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[I feel like] in comedy, you don’t really get a chance to make much money. So I’d rather use those skills to something that’s a little more productive for me at the time. In the beginning, we used to put a joke in every box… we used to print it on a sticker and put it in matches, There was an original joke in every single box. So I think people appreciate it.

KH: How did the idea for the subscription box come about? Can you tell me about some of your products and why you feel they are unique and successful?

HB: It was actually immediately tailored around a $1 subscription box. I saw that there are a lot of subscription boxes out there already. And it seemed like a really good industry… I had seen them for $20 and $30.

Courtesy of Daily High Club

I said, wait a sec, I could do this for $1 and I could actually provide a really great service to people. The smoking subscription box industry is booming and was about to blow up and no one did it. Like Dollar Shave Club is really the gold standard of subscriptions.

They kind of started the whole subscription box industry and I have a lot of respect for them. I saw an opportunity to jump in and do something new. 

KH:What has it meant to partner with celebrities like Chanel West Coast and Tommy Chong?

HB: It’s a really cool opportunity to partner with them. For our first Tommy Chong piece, we made a glass joint because he’s always been really into smoking joints.

Working with him on that and getting his feedback and actually just talking to him and meeting him in person was just mind-blowing. He’s such a smart guy. He’s been through so much and has watched this industry grow. And of course, he’s just hilarious to be around. He’s really been an inspiration to the team.


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KH:Can you talk to me about the Weed Week Council and how you try to use your platform for good inside and outside the cannabis industry?

HB: I have an insane amount of respect for them. That’s where I learn the vast majority of the weed news and what’s going on in the industry. And I’m a massive fan.

I think I’d applied at some point to be on the council and every once in awhile, they’ll reach out to me and just ask for advice on the bongs industry. But I’m just honored to be on it because I know some of the biggest names in the industry are on the council.

KH:Where are your eyes set for the future of Daily High Club and yourself?

HB: We’re definitely looking forward to sticking to what we’re doing and getting better at it. I like to think that each month we have better glass and better value.


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All the way up 😎

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And we’re really excited to tap more into the community. We’ve done a lot more community initiatives through donations to the LGBT Center, and we’ve done work to get people who are incarcerated for cannabis out of prison. I want to get a bit more involved in social justice and connect with our community.

We’re very fortunate to be able to make a career out of this when other people who tried to make a career out of it are still in jail right now. That’s something that doesn’t sit right with us and shouldn’t sit right with anyone really.

We want to help out with this. We had an LGBT box where we highlighted an LGBT brand, as well as donated a percentage of proceeds from the box to the Los Angeles LGBT Center. So that was also really cool to know that you’re kind of helping out in some way.