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Here’s to creative survival: 5 things freelancers need to accomplish goals

We asked our followers on IG and the homies in our discord community: What’s one thing that you need as a creative to survive in these streets?

The answers we got were a mix of behaviors, personality traits and overall survival needs for any professional. So here’s your inspo for being a better creative in 2020.

Tough Skin

We don’t mean give up your skincare routine. But you know very well that creatives on their grind don’t encounter easy-going people every minute of the day.

Criticism is also something that should affect you but enough to help you progress not quit the race altogether.

“You have to stay humble, keep your goals in front of you and grind like someone is trying to take everything away from you. Tough skin will be the first layer of defense to help you weather the storm.” – Serge Efap, Kulture Hub CEO

Vision and belief in yourself

Our long time fam Raphael Henriquez made it a point in our discussion to highlight the creative vision and the importance of believing in yourself.

What’s your purpose? It’s easy to get lost in all your goals and to-do lists. But it’s important not to lose sight of what your larger goal is, which should be interlinked with the answer to the question of why you do what you do.

Knowing the answer to that question and regularly asking yourself could save you from wasting your time at a job you hate or it could reinvigorate your passion for a project.

“I think it’s all about kind of finding your own niche or purpose… What’s your purpose in your occupation?” – Sandy Lin, Life Coach and Fitness Influencer.

Positive mindset

Besides believing in yourself which is wildly important for any creative, viewing yourself and others through a positive light is important. This includes what NYC sports photographer Avery “AJ” Munroe said,

“Dropping your ego and not being afraid or being too prideful to ask for help when you need it.”

Collaboration and building a community of interconnected and helpful creatives is always a good idea. It, in turn, fosters a safe space to ask questions and promotes curiosity like user and KH’s Operations Manager Nidgel D’Souza highlighted.


In turn, this positive mindset can allow for adaptability. Art changes, people change and circumstances change.

Being “open and aware” as user and owner of Ousia Enrico Livanos said, can only help you in mastering several skills and situations.

Taking constructive criticism and using it to be better is a top-five skill for sure. Not to mention, adapting to how your environment is evolving.

This doesn’t need to be assimilation, it can also mean switching things up with new original ideas if you feel something is too mainstream or cooked and has lost its authenticity.

This also includes being in tune with the latest technology, like NYC artist King Spiff suggested on the gram. How else are you going to pump out quality work if you don’t have an up-to-date phone or laptop?

This is where preparation meets opportunity meets preparation kulture fam.


As our homie, Chris Wong stressed: “humans lack the ability to survive without oxygen.”

Yes, there’s the obvious need to breathe for any living creature, but for creatives, this is particularly important. Creatives are often too busy trying to get so much done, but burn out is so real.

Take a step back, slow down and do some quick self-care by meditating, breathing or just napping.