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Guns, robbery and ratchetness: NFL players are wildin’ during Quarantine!

Four NFL players were arrested during a 24-hour span last Saturday.

What happened would’ve been even too wild for an episode of HBO’s Ballers.

First, on early Saturday morning, Washington Redskins receiver Cody Latimer was detained after shots were reported to be fired inside a Colorado apartment complex.

The 27-year-old posted bail at $25,000 and now faces a shitload of charges. But that wasn’t the only gun-related incident of the day (they actually were all gun-related).

Later that evening, Buffalo Bills defensive lineman Ed Oliver was pulled over by Houston police for driving intoxicated, with an open beer in his lap, and unlawfully carrying a pistol.

According to ESPN, the 22-year-old faces two misdemeanor charges.

But these weren’t even the stupidest charges of the day. No, that title belongs to 27-year-old Seattle Seahawks cornerback Quinton Dunbar and 22-year-old New York Giants cornerback DeAndre Baker.

The two were posted in Miramar, Florida over the weekend, at a barbecue, where social distancing went out the window and things got a little too real for everyone in attendance.

According to reports, Baker got into a heated argument with some of the other guests when he pulled out a semi-automatic firearm and began to rob partygoers. It is alleged that Dunbar joined him as they bodied guests for their cash and expensive jewelry.

Cops say that a third man was involved who Baker instructed to shoot someone who had just entered the party. Luckily, he did not.

According to TMZ:

Law enforcement says the men made out with more than $7,000 in cash — along with several valuable watches including an $18,000 Rolex watch, a $25,000 Hublot and a pricey Audemars Piguet timepiece.

Many people at the party actually believe this robbery was planned since their getaway cars were perfectly set up to dip — a Lambo, Benz, and BMW, btw.

Baker and Dunbar have since turned themselves in and as you could guess, they’re in deep shit. According to CNN, Baker was granted a $200,000 bond while Dunbar was given a $25,000 bond. Each man has been charged with four counts of armed robbery.

Of course, Baker and Dunbar will fight these charges as new reports suggest that many of the guests have changed their stories as to what happened. The whole thing is crazy and we’ll see what happens.

Lastly, we gotta talk about the Earl Thomas situation. The 31-year-old Baltimore Ravens safety was in a different type of trouble this quarantine, and yes it involves guns.

A story broke recently where Thomas was held by gunpoint… BY HIS WIFE!

Of course, it was over a cheating scandal, however, the details are WILD. According to TMZ, Thomas and his wife Nina got into an argument about his drinking when he stormed out and was picked up by his brother, Seth.

Shortly after, Thomas’ wife checked his location on Snapchat and saw he was with other women. She decided to pull up and bring Earl’s handgun just to scare him. What she saw when she got there drove her crazy.

At an Airbnb in Austin, Texas she found her husband naked in bed with other women… and his brother. According to reports, she pointed the gun to Earl’s head before he was able to wrestle it away. Luckily she had a backup plan and brought a giant knife.

By the time cops arrived, they found a knife-wielding-wife chasing Earl (who was half-naked) around a car at the front of the house. When it was all said and done, Nina was arrested and Earl was not.

Before the wild story Earl Thomas released this statement:

If there’s one other thing this pandemic hasn’t been good for, it’s NFL players.

Considering many of them should be in OTA’s right now, they have A LOT more time to get into some of the dumbest shit possible.

However, it’s also important to look at it from a player’s perspective. There are always two sides to every story and before you go on and judge them, consider their upbringings and where they come from.

That’s no excuse for some of this stupidity, but young adults make bad decisions and we can only hope they learn from these mistakes.