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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg thinks men are shook to hire women now

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has warned women everywhere that leaders of larger corporations are looking to stop hiring women because they don’t want to handle the sexual harassment claims that have been pouring out of every industry.

“I have already heard the rumblings of a backlash: ‘This is why you shouldn’t hire women.’ Actually, this is why you should.”

Sandberg suggested implementing policies that will help the smoothen the process of sexual claims and harassment suits.

Since the influx of sexual harassment allegations that have been coming out as of late, leaders are scared of scandals unfolding before them.

In a long Facebook post, Sandberg wrote:

“The percentage of men who will be afraid to be alone with a female colleague has to be sky high right now. So much good is happening to fix workplaces right now. Let’s make sure it does not have the unintended consequence of holding women back.”

Sandberg, like a large majority of women in the workforce, has experienced sexual harassment at work herself.

“Still, like almost every woman – and some men – I know, I have experienced sexual harassment in the form of unwanted sexual advances in the course of doing my job… I didn’t work for any of these men. But in every single one of these situations, they had more power than I did. That’s not a coincidence. It’s why they felt free to cross that line.”

Sandberg ended her post with workplace statistics, writing that only  “thirteen countries and 6 percent of Fortune 500 companies are run by women” a mere “13 percent of police officers are women” and we have less than “20 percent of females in the U.S. Congress.”

She urged everyone to recognize the power disparity that exists within our world, not just for women, but for all minorities and oppressed peoples.

“These numbers reveal a power structure that has marginalized women and others for far too long. We need to see more women in these roles – and more people of color, LGBT individuals, and members of religious minorities and underrepresented groups of all kinds.”

But Sandberg wants women at the top. She wants women to thrive in the workforce, rightfully taking their seats at the top, shifting the powers that exist in a typical male-dominated industry.

“It wouldn’t solve all the problems we face if more women were in power – although I believe we could get quite a lot of good done. But one thing’s for certain: many fewer people would be groped and worse while trying to do their jobs. And that would be a major step in the right direction.”

And it certainly would be. With powerful women like Sandberg speaking out against these issues, a feeling of unity runs through the community of women in the workforce.

As long as we remain positive and focused, we can watch the world change, one issue of gender divergence at a time.