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Don’t get lost in the sauce! Why having tunnel vision is vital to success

Life is a movie. Our thoughts are a continuous output of our beliefs which shapes the world around us. To make matters even better, we are the director of our thoughts. If we truly aspire to be great, we must have the right vision.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines tunnel vision as, “constriction of the visual field resulting in a loss of peripheral vision.”

Some believe the phrase means to simply have a one-track mind. Others will say it’s the lack of peripheral vision, hindering you from seeing the surroundings.

While the standard definition of tunnel vision is widely accepted throughout the world, it still does not give the term justice. Tunnel vision is more than having an obscure outlook on the world around us. It’s a mindset.

Tunnel vision is the mental law of the mind. Our thoughts create our reality.

Our thought process is a direct reflection of how we perceive the world and how others perceive us. If we feel beautiful, then our world becomes beautiful. If we feel like trash, then we will subconsciously see the trash in everything.

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On “Do Not Disturb” Drake said ‘distractions will do you the truest sense’. It is a fight against distractions every day when you wake up. You must decide which distractions are important to you which ones go by the wayside.

On most occasions, we are distracted by our own thoughts and it’s not our fault. We are conditioned to be distracted. 

Tunnel vision is being aligned with your dreams and having the determination to see it through, disregarding all distractions. If your dream is to own a business, it probably isn’t in your best interest to go to the club every weekend. It should be finding ways to start your business. The club will always be there.

If you need to hurry home to let your dog out and you wreck due to texting and driving, it only hurts you. That text will be there when you get home. Distractions hinder your dreams. Don’t get lost in the sauce.

We have to change within to change our exterior surroundings. Possessing tunnel vision allows nothing to stop us on our mission knowing that we are destined for greatness. It allows us to separate the real from the fake.

It empowers us to stay away from all negativity that ruins our zen. Believing is seeing. Once you see your vision come to life, so will others. Your vision is primary.

Everything else is secondary.