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Donald Trump has finally met his political match in LaVar Ball

After arguably one the most hilarious and unexpected interviews of 2017, I can honestly say that I am now a proud supporter of BBB.

Although you’ll never catch me dead in any pair of ZO2’s, LaVar Ball definitely has my support in terms of advocating for his brand and what it represents after he went on CNN and refused to acknowledge Trump played a role in helping his son LiAngelo leave China after a shoplifting incident.

Behind the smoke and mirrors of LaVar Ball’s antics and outlandish commentary on certain topics I believe LaVar Ball knows his bottom line and knows exactly what he is doing.

Let’s get away from the sensation of things for a bit and look at the LaVar vs. Trump situation for what it is. That this is just one huge PR move for both parties.

For LiAngelo, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill they are just caught in the middle of a situation that I believe they definitely will regret for a short period of their lives.

For LaVar this is just another opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Big Baller Brand (BBB) is attempting to reign among likes of the major corporations like Nike, Adidas, Under Amour, and Puma.

In order to compete with these massive companies, you gotta have two of the major key components of brand awareness; publicity and controversy.

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According to Mark Cuban via TMZ Sports:

“On the real, they are so much alike,” Cuban said. “Because Donald will say what he needs to for PR and to be talked about, and so does LaVar. Donald doesn’t apologize for anything, neither does LaVar. LaVar knows if he apologizes, there’s nothing else to talk about. If LaVar doesn’t apologize, he’ll be in the news all day every day and the president will end up having to talk about him. What’s better for Big Baller Brand?”

And who better to point this out other than Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a minority stake holder in a plethora of business ventures. Safe to say Cuban is hip to LaVar and Trump’s tactics.

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I believe when it’s all set and done we will thank LaVar Ball for what he is doing for himself and moreso for his family. We can all agree that LaVar Ball can be a bit extra at times, part of me wants to believe that this is just who he is by nature.

And the other part believes that he is doing this to simply promote himself, his kids, and his brand. Which isn’t necessarily bad, in terms of brand awareness it’s a win/win either way. But my question to the people would be… Is his unapologetic and abrasive attitude beneficial or detrimental to his business in the long term ?

I’d say for the most part that he definitely benefits off the media. LaVar Ball is betting on himself and when you bet on yourself you’re willing to put it on all the line. You’re willing to challenge the status quo and challenge those who will take unsolicited credit for something that they may or may have not done. Allegedly. Which brings me to Trump.

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Once again Trump has outdone himself, and i believe he has met his match. Trump is proving day in day out how insecure he truly is.

He wants the validation of the common people so bad that he is willing to take credit for something he may or may not have involvement in.

Did Trump play a part in the liberation of LiAngelo Ball and his fellow teammates? Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?

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But the fact that Trump took his talents to Twitter to ask for public gratitude from LaVar Ball shows how much he needs that validation in order for his sack to drop, which is not at all surprising.

The president even went as far as to call LaVar a “poor man’s Don King” this morning on Twitter.

At this point Trump is in love with this reality show he and his heard of sheep have constructed, Trump is giving the media headlines, narrative, and sensation. Lavar Ball is aware of this and is not about to bend the knee to the powers that be.

Could this be the beginning of a long stand off between two ego driven parties? Or could this just be a huge roll out for a Trump vs. Lavar Ball at Wrestlemania 34?

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Find out all the answers next time on the next episode of America