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Cowboys player gets cut, accused of shoplifting, and has dog kidnapped all in same week

After a sufficiently bizarre and kind of sad week, wide receiver Lucky Whitehead was cut by the Dallas Cowboys.

It all started last Monday when Whitehead’s pit bull Blitz was kidnapped from his home while Whitehead was out of town.

Whitehead penned an emotional letter on social media claiming that Blitz was being held for $20,000 in ransom.

“I’ve taken some time to collect my thoughts on this subject matter, and it’s very heartbreaking to say that Blitz has been stolen from my home last Sunday. While out of town, Blitz was being taken care of by a close friend at my house and someone broke in and took him. Whomever stole Blitz has contacted my phone numerous times, demanding ransom money. I strongly advise you to stop and return my boy safely before it gets any worse! If you know of any details regarding Blitz’s whereabouts or who may be involved in this, please contact me immediately. #repost”

At first this seemed a little too strange to be real, but sure enough Boogati Kasino, a rapper from Fort Worth, Texas, posted a video with Blitz and claimed they indeed wanted $20,000 in exchange for the pit bull.

The case of Blitz was solved when Boogati Kasino then posted a video of him returning the lil guy to Whitehead. I am happy to announce that Blitz is safe and sound at home.

As for Whitehead; however, this was just the beginning of his issues.

Yesterday, an arrest warrant was issued for Whitehead over claims that he shoplifted from a Virginia convenience store back in June. Whitehead then allegedly failed to show up for his court date on July 6th.

But Lucky Whitehead wasn’t even in Virginia on the day of the alleged incident, according to Adam Schefter, who posted a message on his Facebook on Monday night:

“Lucky Whitehead’s agent, David Rich, said his client was not in Virginia when the incident occurred and it’s a case of mistaken identity.
On June 22, Whitehead was in Dallas, per his flight ticket that Rich has a copy of. Whitehead’s United flight left 7:18 am direct to Washington D.C. that morning and landed at 11:30 am – that is 10 hours after the shoplifting crime occurred in Woodbridge, Va.

Rich told the Cowboys he didn’t appear in court because he never received the citation and summons. The reason he didn’t receive the citation and summons is because he wasn’t in the state when the crime occurred, Rich said. Still the Cowboys announced they released Whitehead.
Rich has told the Cowboys this information. He says the plane record speaks for itself. ‘It’s just unfortunate for the kid,’ Rich said.”

This series of incidents was apparently enough for the Cowboys to part ways with Whitehead.

Now, it’s understandable to cut someone over a “culmination of various issues” but in this case, if Whitehead’s story is true about not even being in Virginia at the time of the incident, this is some pretty harsh shit from the Cowboys.

It’s even worse when you take into account the Cowboys have employed domestic assailant Greg Hardy and alleged domestic assailant Zeke Elliott.

The Cowboys have shown a “zero tolerance policy” towards Lucky Whitehead for being accused of a crime that he has an alibi for, while supporting Zeke Elliott through multiple incidents throughout his one year in the league, including an altercation at a bar last weekend.

Something tells me that Zeke Elliott being the best running back in the NFL as a rookie, accumulating over 300 more rushing yards than the next closest back, while Lucky Whithead has 9 catches over two years on the Cowboys, probably has something to do with the difference in treatment.

The NFL has proven that if you can ball, you’ll always be able to find an employer.

To all you fringe NFL players out there, hold your pit bulls close and go to all court dates, even if you’ve been mistakenly accused.

After this week, Rodney “Lucky” Whitehead just might have the most ironic nickname ever.