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Cliff Token, the Deflationary Dog Token That Keeps Growing

The Cliff token or $CLIFF is the first token with a true burn function that increases the price per coin when it completes a buyback and burn function of its circulating supply.

Just as in the traditional finance space, digital assets also suffer from inflation. While things like the Bitcoin halving are in place, other parts of the digital asset space are still subjected to inflation. 

However, due to the space’s goal of creating a more sustainable financial system, numerous projects are creating deflationary solutions and tokens. 

One of the more notable projects working towards a digital asset space without inflation is Cliff token

Due to the true buyback and burn mechanism being hardcoded into the token, $CLIFF has the ability to not only reduce the circulating supply but also positively impact the tokens price, a truly unique and revolutionary function.

In addition to the groundbreaking buyback and burn function, the project developers have created a business plan to help guide the token to the future and avoid the missteps suffered by many projects where a lack of long-term volume hinders further development and potential reinvestment.

To avoid this, $CLIFF will invest a percentage of the marketing wallet into yield-bearing assets, with any realized profits reintroduced back into the project through marketing, token buybacks, and more. This reinvesting will increase awareness of the project and attract new investors, while ensuring $Cliff does not rely solely on volume.

The $CLIFF Project & Ecosystem

$CLIFF is a highly deflationary, Ethereum-based token that continually grows through deflationary techniques and further income generation. 

The token will grow outwards through a buyback and burn of the $CLIFF supply and by using a portion of the marketing funds to build an investment portfolio. $CLIFF’s investment portfolio will be made up of blue-chip NFTs, stable coin staking, large and medium cap altcoins, yield farms, and high-risk, high-reward plays. 

Profits made from the investment portfolio will be reinvested into $CLIFF and used to buy and burn $CLIFF supply, marketing and project development. The investment portfolio will also serve to develop partnerships with other projects they have invested in, ultimately growing the $CLIFF community in the process.

RED Tokens

RED is a governance token used to submit ideas and vote on investments the team decides to invest in. These tokens can only be acquired by staking $CLIFF, with 40% of the total token’s supply deposited into a pool, which can only be earned for one year, commencing on the first available staking date. 

As the project begins to demonstrate the incentive users can receive by yielding RED, 30% of the reserve will be released to earn by staking RED and Ethereum liquidity tokens to a pool.

The project also allows users to access detailed investment moves that the team will make. RED holders will vote by delegating their RED to the pool and voting for or against these moves. Users will also be able to propose ideas to the team using RED, and if the concept is sound, it will be brought into the Cliff foundation, where others can vote on whether the idea should be implemented or not. 

RED is also used to accrue yields from their assets as they develop further. Users can stake RED and earn a percentage of the inflow based on the amount the holder owns. 

For example, if the team earns a return in Ethereum from an investment, a percentage of the profits will then be deployed to a pool where RED stakers can instantly claim based on the amount of RED they have staked and the time it has been staked. 


The Cliff project also offers a unique NFT set called the RED ROOM that gives the holder a multiplier boost when staking RED tokens. The staking boost is based on the rarity of the NFT – the rarer NFT, the higher the staking boost the user will receive. 

The NFT set will be minted at base value, with holders having the ability to increase rarity through burning $CLIFF tokens.

The NFTs will also work as placeholders to buy and receive Cliff metaverse NFTs like the vox NFTs from the sandbox.

Cliff’s high deflationary token has already been listed on the BitMart and HotBit exchanges and was recently listed on LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform. The Cliff token has not just started its journey but continues to progress towards achieving the project’s goal of creating a space with less inflation, hedging against increased cost throughout the world.