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Black August means accountability: Why it’s time to lock up Jason Meade

It’s now been nearly nine months since Casey Goodson Jr. was shot and killed by Franklin County Sheriff deputy Jason Meade. And Black August is a time more than ever to hold wrongdoers accountable.

“I arrived on the day, Fred Hampton died – real ones just multiply”

(Jay – Z & Kanye West – Murder to Excellence)

Casey Goodson Jr. – a twenty-three-year-old man with his head on his shoulders and a fatherly presence – is no longer with us. Thus far, the details surrounding this case are being shielded and sheltered.

An autopsy report shows five shots to the back and one to the buttocks from the likes of Jason Meade – retired Rosedale Free Will Baptist Priest and Franklin County Sheriff deputy.

Some quick-to-know facts…

  • Casey Goodson died on his kitchen floor in front of his grandmother, Sharon Payne and two toddlers – keys still in door.
  • Casey Goodson had his CCW and purchased firearms legally from Vance’s Outdoors.
  • Jason Meade (17 year veteran on Franklin PD) was the sheriff deputy assigned to the U.S. Marshals Service Fugitive Task Force on that day.
  • Casey was not an object of the search nor was he wanted by law enforcement prior to the incident.
  • There were no bodycameras involved as Franklin County does not require officers to do so.

Initial autopsy reports by Franklin County coroner, Anahi Ortiz showed the manner of death as homicidal with multiple shot wounds to the torso.

“Goodson drove by and waved a gun in the direction of authorities which prompted confrontation.”

(U.S. Marshal Peter Tobin, DDN) just hours after the incident who later recanted statement

Goodson’s mother posted via Facebook that her son was coming home from a dentist appointment with Subway sandwiches for his family. He had worked until 3 A.M. on that day. Subsequently, he was unlocking the door when the AR rounds rung out in his back.

The family attorney for this case is Sean Walton. Jason Meade has since resigned with a disability pension privilege. At a recent rally Goodson’s mother, Tamala Payne said, “Jason Meade is still at home.”

“Jason Meade needs to be held accountable for his actions. We’re tired of waiting. The demand for justice is on. We have special prosecutors working on the case and we want charges.” 

Get justice for Casey Goodson, hold Jason Meade accountable and show support below.


Justice For Casey Goodson Jr. Website